Coping Strategies In Teenagers

Coping mechanisms usually defined as “ to invest own conscious effort to solve personal and interpersonal problems in order to try to master, minimize, or tolerate stress and conflict.

The effectiveness of coping efforts depends on the type of stress, the individuals, and the circumstances. Coping partly controlled by personality type, partly by the social environment, and particularly the nature of a stressful environments.

  • Appraisal focused
  • Problem-focused
  • Emotional focused

Let us learn Emotional coping mechanisms in detail

Some commonly used coping way as follows:
  • Disclaiming
  • Escape – Avoidance
  • Accepting
  • Blaming
  • Self control
  • Reappraisal
Emotional coping plays in four important tracks
  • Moving in
  • Moving towards
  • Moving against
  • Moving away

How we differently cope with emotional stress in interpersonal relations

  • Affection and approval
  • Surrender to relation
  • Restricted behaviors
  • Power and control
  • Exploitation
  • Social prestige
  • Personal admiration
  • Personal Achievements
  • Self-sufficiency
  • Perfection
Let us correlate now
  • Moving towards 1,2,3
  • Moving Away 3,9,10
  • Moving Against 4,5,6,7,8

Moving in, only healthy way of coping emotional stressors by involving with the problems and applying reappraisal and focusing problem solving to emit roots of stressors, and keeping ourselves healthy too.

You can write down your emotional stress and your way of dealing with it. We will carefully assess your situation, personality, social environment, and type of stressors and help you to learn healthy coping mechanisms.


Submit your issues at

For knowing your Personality type and give us chance to explore your personality type and make you more refine and stress free.